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Files Formats

In order to make you easier moving through many kinds of files you can find in C64 programs archives I'll describe the formats known to me.

Th most popular format. Emulated. It's disk image of 5,25" disk from 1541, 1541 II, 1570 and compatible disk drives. Capacity 170 K.

Emulated. Image of tape recorded file. Loading depend on emulator. In VICE follow this:
LOAD [return]
VICE shows that program was found:
Space, RUN and go. Of course you have to attach tape image..

Emulated. Quite the same as ordinary d64 but this one emulate in 100% structure of original disk with additional tracks (36-40). It's double size of d64 as it saves also half-tracks.

Emulated. Image of 1571 drive's disk. This drive formats disk on both sided so capacity is doubled.

EMulated. Disk image of 1581 drive's disk - doublesided 3,5" drive. Capacity 800K.

VICE's native image format. 1541 disk image.

PC64 emulator's format. I guess tape image.

Zip 64
Commodore 64 native format. Whole disk is shorted to 4 (or 6 if disk uses tracks above 35th track) files with names:

To convert it in d64 format use Star Commander (StarZip) or c1541. Digits and excamation aren't part of disk name !

Suffix .lnx - C64 native format. It's packed to one file full disk using program called Lynx. Such archives were used in BBSes. To convert it in d64 format use Star Commander (StarLynx) or c1541.

Self-extracting archive. C64 native format. To convert use Star Commander (StarArc). You can also copy it to d64 image and extract under emu as well.

C64's and other platforms format. If it's C64's LHA just use Star Commander (StarLHA). If it's not you will need LHA for DOS, Linux, Amiga or other. LZH is just the same.. Format C64 oraz innych systemów. Jeśli jest to LHA z C64 to wystarczy użyć Star Commandera (StarLHA). Jeśli nie to potrzebny będzie LHA dla DOSa, Linuxa, Amigi lub inny. LZH to praktycznie to samo..

Self-extracting archive. You can use StarLHA or copy it to empty disk image and run.

Simply binary file. Copy it to disk or tape image and just run.

GEOS Convert format. GEOS files contains some special data that cannot be just transfered. So there's a GEOS program called Convert which converts GEOS data files to standard C64 files. You can dissolve these files simply copying them to GEOS disk with Star Commander which will convert them to GEOS apps on the fly.